Is it just me, or does it feel like this 한복 is taking forever and a day to get here? I shouldn't expect it to arrive for at least another week, yet I already I feel like a little kid waiting impatiently for Christmas day. Yay me. Actually, I've been feeling that impatient from the moment the order was placed. 아이고... 서둘러줄래? ^_^
I met with my advisor yesterday about class approvals. The great news is that Sogang offers a wide variety of classes, so it will be easy to figure out a schedule that is beneficial to my major.The not-so-great news is that I have to run all over campus to obtain signatures and "ok"s from people in multiple departments... And it has to be done by Friday... I'm tired just thinking about it.
After going over the schedule, my advisor asked if I had met the new Korean professor in the Political Science department who has recently moved to Milwaukee from Seoul. I didn't even know we had a Korean professor here, let alone a professor in my department! My advisor walked me all the way to the man's office and Professor Kim talked with me for over 20 minutes about what to do in Seoul, places to visit, where to get a cell phone, etc. As I was walking home, I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. God is just so good! I love it when He puts those wonderful little blessings in unexpected places! 감사합니다 예수님!
Hopefully my next update will be filled with photos of the 한복, so stay tuned!
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